Happy Vantine 2009

Happy Valentine to my dear! And this is the frst time we celebrated our Valentine together **sweet**. took our dinner at Kenny Rogers, 1 Borneo. Yeah, i know it's nothing special! Having our dinner at kenny roogers comparing to candle light dinner which i'm sure some of you guys do celebrated such a way. Well at least we having our romance on that night itself, accompany with a lousy movie called "Eden Lake".

But personally thinks that, if you really love your gf, you should treat her nice and sweet for the rest of your life, not only on valentine's day itself. If you disagree on wht i've said, wht's the purpose of staying together? better break up and don't waste each others precious time, espcially for girls. That's why i feel a bit silly whereby lots guys bought an expensive flowers on valentine day itself, might as well u save the money and get her an expensive ring and propose it to her!



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